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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Quest for Glory 2 : Trial By Fire System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2005-01-16 09:42:36 Views : 27010 Edit inventory items Enable cheat mode and press [Al + I. Enter one of the following numbers from to select the corresponding inventory item. 1: Centime 2: Dinar 3: Ration 4: Broadsword 5: Dagger 6: Leather Armor 7: Shield 8: Paper 9: Rock 10: Lock Pick 11: Thief's Tool Kit 12: Thief's License 13: Incense 14: Beard 15: Chainmail Armor 16: Magic Rope 17: Gold Coin 18: Healing Pill 19: Mana Pill 20: Vigor Pill 21: Dispel Potion 22: Map 23: Compass 24: Fine Sword 25: Bellows 24: Flowers 27: Saphire Pin 28: Griffin Feather 29: Scorpion Tail 30: Ghoul Claw 31: SoulForge 32: Pot of Dirt 33: Brass Lamp 34: Basket 35: Empty Pot 36: Fruit of Compassion 37: Waterskin 38: Cloth Sack 39: Powder of Burning 40: EOF Badge 41: Raseirian Visa 42: Oil 43: Water Elemental 44: Djinn Ring 45: Silk Scarf 46: Mirror 47: Black Beard 48: Poison Cure Pill 49: Change of Clothes 50: Saurus 51: Bag of Sand 52: Earth Elemental 53: Silver Tea Service 54: X-Ray Glasses 55: Leather Purse 56: Silver Dagger 57: Emerald Bowl 58: Rusty Nail Edit single skill Enable cheat mode and press [Al + K. Enter one of the following numbers from to select the corresponding individual or spell skill. 0: Strength 1: Intelligence 2: Agility 3: Vitality 4: Luck 5: Weapon Use 6: Parry 7: Dodge 8: Stealth 9: Pick Locks 10: Throwing 11: Climbing 12: Magic 13: Communication 14: Honor 15: Experience 16: Health Points 17: Stamina Points 18: Magic Points 19: Open 20: Detect Magic 21: Trigger 22: Dazzle 23: Zap 24: Calm 25: Flame Dart 26: Fetch 27: Force Bolt 28: Levitate 29: Reversal Teleport Enable cheat mode and press [Al + T. Enter one of the following numbers from to select the corresponding location. 100: Katta Tail Inn 101: Sleeping Room 120: Money Changer 130: Apothecary 140: Weapon Shop 150: Arm Wrestling 160: Guild Hall 170: Fighting Uhura 180: Aziza 190: Talking with Aziza 199: Aziza's Door 200: Astrologer 210: WIT 220: Path to WIT 240: Front of Palace 250: Magic Shop 260: Thief Break-In House 270: EOF Room 290: Saurus Stables 300: Gate Plaza 310: North Fountain Plaza 320: West Fighter Plaza 330: East Fighter Plaza 340: Fire Elemental Death 360: Blue Parrot Inn 370: Talking with Signor Ferrari 380: Gates Plaza 390: North Fountain Plaza 400: Rasier Palce Plaza 410: Khaveen's House 420: Ad Avis in Streets 430: Zayisha Room 440: Rasier Jail 450: South Fountain Plaza 460: Outside Palacev 470: Balcony in Palace with Khaveen 480: Harem 490: Ad Avis (Harem Balcony) 500: Ad Avis (In Room) 530: Eunuch Room 550: Outside 560: Fire Room 570: Water Room 580: Bottom Air Room 600: Treasure Room 610: Iblis Chamber 620: Dervish 630: Caged Beast 640: Julanar 650: Griffin 750: Intro 1 770: Intro 2 780: Outside Shapier 790: Death by Iblis 800: Character Selection 810: Character Sheet 820: Ceremonies 840: End Game 850: Credits 860: Caravan 880: Outside Rasier Cheat mode Type [Space], then suck blue frog, and another [Space] during game play. Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function. Add up to 999 in money [Al + B List sprites [Al + S Edit all skills [Al + H Display valid movement locations [Al + C Memory information [Al + F Ego status [Al + E Display background and foreground objects [Al + P Path maker [Al + G Normal display [Al + V Exit game [Al + Z Exit game [Al + X Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Quest for Glory 2 : Trial By Fire cheat codes.
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